About Organisation

By , December 23, 2010 3:55 pm

SURYA, established in 1992, is a group of enthusiasts who spontaneously donate their efforts for the cause of distressed and marginalized people living with poverty, illiteracy, insanitation and ignorance. Since its inception the organization has been emphasizing the development tribals,  women and children in the rural villages of Keonjhar District.


SURYA is presently having the following legal status. The organisation is registered under:

Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 vides Regd. No. KJR-2199-93-1995-96. The registration authority was Sub Registrar of Societies, Keonjhar.

To create awareness among the target population about their rights capacity to take care of their health, economy, social and environmental problems.

To reduce the rate of morbidity and increase the standard of health of the target population.

To create awareness among the target population, especially among the youth and women about primary education and increase the status of primary education among children below 15 years.

To promote the economy of the target population through improved agricultural practices with introduction of appropriate modern agriculture technology; and

To facilitate the process of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) formation, especially among women to undertake sustainable income generation activities.


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